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Obinz is a hardware platform specially built for IoT


In the last few years, we have seen a proliferation of hardware that are designed to serve as our interface to the Internet of Things. We have seen boards like the Arduino, Raspberry, Particle, ESP12, and several others. These hardware have made developing and scaling for the Internet of Things quite easy for developers and product managers. Despite the fact, these hardware are meant for the cloud-based applications (IoT Applications) most of them don’t get developed with web-based programming but traditional programming languages. Obniz is a hardware for the internet of things that is designed with the Web in mind.


Obniz brings a different ball game to the hardware industry especially for applications in the Internet of Things space. Obniz is an IoT gateway but doesn’t stop there. Obniz can be thought of as a complete IoT development platform because it doesn’t just give you the hardware to build, it also provides the enabling platform to connect your devices to the web. Obniz not only lets you program your product but also allow you control it from your own apps, your own website, your smartphone and anything that can accept API or supports javascript. Obniz is a product of the Japanese based Cambrian Robotics company.

Obniz speaks the language of the web; it means if you understand the likes of Javascript (Obniz have an SDK for javascript based on nodejs) and HTML it shouldn’t take you less than 5 minutes to build a powerful IoT device and setting up Obniz takes less than 30 secs. Obniz is designed for beginners in mind, it provides support for Block programming, a drag-and-drop programming that is based on pre-defined functions and comes with beginners lesson.

Obniz Block Programming

The Obniz hardware is made up of 12 IOs, each IO can handle up to 1A making it easy to connect at least 1 motor to all pins at the same time. It supports WiFi 802.22 b/g/n and Bluetooth Low Energy which is made possible by the onboard ESP WROOM 32, a 128 by 64 px OLED screen for display applications, a switchable 5V or 3V on each I/O.

One major benefit of using Obniz is the nature of its IO pins. All 12 pins can be used for A/D (Analog and Digital Processing), UART, SPI and others. There are no specialized pins, they all have the same capabilities. Although there is a limit to the total number of UART pins that can be used, but A/D and others can be used on all 12 pins at the same time. Just like Arduino, it is short protected.

Obniz is connected to the Obniz Cloud using the WiFi Module, and from the Obniz cloud, it is easy to control the IOs through the REST API or WebSocket API. The Obniz team have released a javascript parts library for the browser using Nodejs.

Getting started with Obinz is easy with these 3 steps:

  1. Connect Obniz to Wifi
  2. Connect motors sensors to your Obniz
  3. Scan a QR code on your obniz that will direct a user to a program page.
Obniz is available for purchase for about $59 on Amazon, Tinder, and Obniz store.

The post Obinz is a hardware platform specially built for IoT appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

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